The skin around the eyes is particularly thin and sensitive. Weather, climate and facial expressions, as well as stress and tiredness quickly affect it. It then reacts with redness, wrinkles, bags under the eyes or dark circles around the eyes. While ordinary face creams are used more as all-rounders, special eye creams aim to support the delicate skin and, with ingredients such as vitamin C, retinol or hyaluronic acid, to stimulate and smooth the blood circulation and maintain the moisture level. Would you like an anti-ageing effect against annoying wrinkles and crows feet around the eye? Then certain eye serums or eye masks with a particularly high concentration of active ingredients could provide support and make the eye area youthful and smooth again. Dry skin tends to need rich textures, normal or combination skin can often cope with lighter fluids. Professionals in the field of eye care are for example Peter Thomas Roth, Orveda, Dr. Levy, Murad or Dr. Barbara Sturm. But there are many more brands to discover and to try out!